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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-19  |  241KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: crt screen | gazette | laptop | monitor | reckoner | sky
OCR: Inter Poll Network Administrator's Utility stotus: start S+rchin for All Deies T:: Zone Eytr Hane Hichts 1 3.10 1 ! 03 Chad Disotou O sstgr FE Finder fite O Laserwrtter Robrt nchois Hcintoh Overview Features Benefits The Inter Pol!" Network Admini- Sclective STSTT ofacive network devices Allow the network administato strator's Utiliry contains tools an moritor a specified proup o devices AppleTalk" network administrator Nelwort pping 1 Assists the network adninistrator in can USC to implement network creating and diagrams support progran These tools for use: in solving nelwerk pru blems cover netvork ma pping. trouble- ... shooting methods. selective Integriry test of path to a Saves : tirre by helping : the targeted device acninistrator isolate ard locate network searches for active devic ...